December 3, 2011

We're Heeeeerrreee

We arrived last night on a full Frontier flight. I've never been on a flight with so many people important to me. I'm a bit of a nervous flier (those of you who know me personally know I was definitely humming 'Metallica') and to have my husband, his mom, his sister, and one of his aunts on the same plane while our daughter was back home had me squarely to the left of anxious.

But we arrived just fine, got our bags and, along with the 15 others from Team Challenge who were on the same flight, boarded a shuttle for the hotel. There's not much out there that looks quite like Las Vegas at night. Lights lights lights and more lights. Mark and I were here in January for my birthday, but this trip has a completely different feel to it. I feel lucky, punk. *wink*

Might have something to do with getting to go to an Irish Pub for a late dinner the first night.

We tried to 'sleep in' this morning, but our bodies woke us at 7am local time (which, I guess, technically is sleeping in when you account for time zones) and now we're going to get dressed and head out to get breakfast (read: COFFEE), pick up water and cough drops (I can't seem to stop hacking...yipe) and then off to the Race Expo where we'll collect...race...things.

I've never done anything like this before, so I have no idea what to expect, but we've been told the Expo is "a bit crazy." Well, with 44K people in this marathon, all having to go through the Expo to get registered, get their number, get their little dohicky that goes on your shoe so that you can be tracked, and visit the booths and vendors available with race...stuff...well, yeah. I think crazy might be an understatement.

I don't really do crowds all that well, but since Rowan isn't with us (and hence the fear of losing her to the masses won't be there) I'm sure I'll do better. And I'm kind of excited to see what this is like. Meanwhile, so far Mark is feeling good, and that reassures me. Just need to get through tomorrow!

It's a busy weekend in Vegas. In addition to the race (which is closing down Las Vegas Blvd, aka, "The Strip" from 3pm to 10:30pm) there is also the National Finals Rodeo (which I attended back in the '90's once and is crazy in and of itself) and a NASCAR race. Good God, Ya'll.

We also decided to do one Vegas-y thing, so we're going to a Cirque du Soleil show called Ka tonight. I'll letcha know how it goes. Until then, it's time for some race gear!

-- Amanda

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