September 22, 2011


Had a little setback over the weekend, so I was not able to complete the 5 mile walk on our training schedule over the weekend. It was mainly just being to sore to do anything that active.  With the seton in place now, I am still experimenting with the best way to"wrap" the wound and not have it rub so much against the skin.  The more physical I am, the more drainage I seem to have as well, but this should start to decrease over the next month.

On a good note, I had an excellent post-op appointment with my surgeon.  It had been two weeks since surgery and he said that everything was looking and functioning great.  As long as everything continues to go good, then I will not have to see him for another 5 weeks, which will be a nice change.

I was able to do both of the scheduled walks during the week and did good.  I was able to do them with Rowan and my mom.  Let me just say how proud of my mom I am.  She has been doing the same schedule as I have and walking in support of Amanda and I.  My sister has been walking as well and they do not know how much it means to me to have that support and love.  I think it helps them as well because often times they are not able to do anything when I am sick.  It is just the nature of the disease.  Here are the results from this week:

September 20 (1.95 miles, 35:54, 18:23 average min/mile)
September 22 (2.40 miles, 42:22, 17:39 average min/mile)

On Saturday I will walk 6 miles, which has me a little nervous.  I have been pretty sore after just 2 miles, but I am ready to see if I can do it.  The worst that can happen is that I will have to cut the mileage down a little, but I really want to do it and get back on the same schedule as the rest of the team.  The hardest thing for me besides the pain from the wound is always wondering if I am going to have to use the restroom while I am out doing the walking.  The route that we are going to walk on Saturday does not have a lot of restroom access, so I hope my body will behave itself for the time to do our training.  I plan to take the camera so that I can post some pictures for the next update.


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